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10 March 2025

News of Agribusiness Index


Ucab Agriculture Business Climate climbs in November 2017

Kyiv, 28th November 2017. November survey on Agriculture Business Climate (ABC) demonstrates improvement of perception by agricultural producers of their business performance and opportunities in Ukraine.



Ucab Agriculture Business Climate dropped in August 2017

Київ, 13 вересня, 2017 р. Дослідження аграрного бізнес-клімату у серпні 2017 року продемонструвало погіршення у сприйнятті сільськогосподарськими виробниками їхніх бізнес-результатів та бізнес-перспектив в Україні.



Ucab Agribusiness expectations show modest downslide

The sixth survey on “Agri business climate index” (ABI) was conducted in February 2017 by APD and UCAB. ABI includes two estimates: (i) an estimate of the current economic situation in the sector and expectations, called agri business climate, and (ii) an indicator of changes in the evaluation of the agri business climate (at the time surveyed) since the introduction of ABI in August 2015, named agri business index.



Further improvement of business climate in the agricultural sector of Ukraine

The fifth survey on “Agri business climate index” (ABI) was conducted in November 2016 by APD and UCAB. ABI includes two estimates: an estimate of the current economic situation in the sector and expectations, called agri business climate as well as an indicator of changes in the evaluation of agri business climate, named agri business index. This time again individual households and producers from the Western region of Ukraine improved their evaluation of agricultural business climate significantly. Some of the main reasons of such an estimate are seen in an improved access to modern machinery, in progressing productivity as well as in favorable cost level.



Ucab Business climate in the agriculture sector of Ukraine improves significantly

APD and UCAB have conducted the fourth survey on agri business climate index (ABI), which consists of agri business climate, representing an evaluation of current economic situation and expectations, as well as of agri business index, which indicates changes in the evaluation of the current situation. Mainly individual households but also crop producers have significantly increased their evaluation of agriculture business climate in Ukraine. The surveyed agriculture producers link the enhancement of business climate particularly to the impact by general policies as well as to state support for agriculture.



Ucab Agriculture Business Climate Index in November 2015

The current Agriculture Business Climate Index (ABCI) was developed and implemented on the base of common efforts by German-Ukrainian Agriculture Policy Dialog (APD) and Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) on the base of the German Business Climate Index. In the future periodic implementation is foreseen on a quarterly base. ABCI expresses subjective views of producers on the current situation as well as their expectations about the business climate in one year time. The Agriculture Business Index indicates about past changes of business climate.

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