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09 March 2025


AgriSurvey agency provides a full range of multi-client and ad-hoc marketing and business-consulting research for key players in agricultural and related sectors of Ukraine.  Today, AgriSurvey is a leader on the market of ad hoc research in agribusiness of Ukraine.

Our advantages

AgriSurvey agency has a regularly updated database of about 10, 000 agricultural enterprises with contacts, legal, statistical and performance indicators, and maintains actively contacts with the owners and managers of the largest producers and processors of agricultural products.

Areas of expertise

AgriSurvey agency offers and has experience in research in the following sectors:

  • Agriculture and food processing: crops (grains, oilseeds, sugar beet, fruits and vegetables), animal products (milk, beef, pork, poultry).
  • Inputs: seeds, agrochemicals; agricultural machinery; financial instruments.


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Ad hoc research for membership UCAB (UA language) only for member UCAB


Non-member of UCAB? To access our studies, please contact

+38 (067) 158 18 15

Svitlana Lytvyn

[email protected]


For more information please visit Ukrainian version of the web-site.


Results of agrarian opinion pulling on key aspects in the selection of spare parts

Your attention is paid to the results of the survey of agrarian opinion pulling about the market of spare parts. In March 2018, UCAB team of analysts conducted a survey of 100 Ukrainian agrarians on the main aspects that they pay attention to when selecting spare parts for agricultural machinery.



UCAB Metrics 2018: Seeds, Plant production products and Fertilizers. Demo

The main purpose of research «UCAB Metrics 2018: Seeds, Plant production products and Fertilizer» is assessment of consumption structure and trends in demand for seeds, plant production products and fertilizers for 6 main crops: wheat, maize, barley, sunflower, soybean and rapeseed. This study is based on the results of the survey conducted among agricultural enterprises - the total sample of 112 respondents. In addition, the study contains the section «Choice of suppliers».



Niche agricultural production direction: chickpea

The Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" continues a series of researches of promising niche agrarian markets. This publication presents the analysis of the chickpea market.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January – September 2017 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January – September 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, import of cheese increased the most (almost by USD 11,1 million) and reaching USD 31.3 million. Poland, Germany and France became the top three largest suppliers of cheese to Ukraine and these countries together provide 70% of imported cheese.



Niche agricultural production direction: millet

The Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" continues a series of researches of promising niche agrarian markets. This publication presents the analysis of the millet market. Ukraine annually harvests about 150-200 thous. tons of millet, and despite such small volumes, Ukraine is the world leader in the volume of exports of this crop. More detailed information about millet market can be found in the research of UCAB.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January – August 2017 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January – August 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, import of cheese increased the most (almost by USD 9,4 million) reaching USD 27.1 million. Poland, Germany and France became the three largest suppliers of cheese to Ukraine.



Niche agricultural production direction: rye

The Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" continues a series of researches of promising niche agrarian markets. The results of rye market research have been provided in this publication. For today, this crop is considered "the seventh bread of the world". Ukrainian agrarians harvest 400-600 thous. tons of rye annually. In addition, productivity indicators increase from year to year and proof of that is this year's record yield - 28.2 centner/ha.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January – July 2017

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January – July 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, import of cheese increased the most (almost by USD 7,4 million) reaching USD 22.8 million. Poland, Germany and France became the three largest suppliers of cheese to Ukraine.



Overview of agricultural products imported from the EU countries in January – June 2017 within the framework of Ukraine - EU FTA.

According to the State Fiscal Service, over January – June 2017 comparing to the same period in 2016, import of cheese increased the most (almost by USD 6 billion) reaching USD 19.1 billion. Poland, Germany and France became the three largest suppliers of cheese to Ukraine.



Niche agricultural production direction: lentils

Taking into account the tendency of increasing lentil consumption in the world, Ukrainian agrarians have an opportunity to take their place in this niche market. The average price of lentils at the domestic market of Ukraine amounted to 511 USD per tonne, that is by 320 USD per tonne lower compared with average market value in the world. Despite the small volumes of Ukrainian exports in recent years, there is a tendency towards its increase.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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