UCAB Metrics 2018: Seeds, Plant production products and Fertilizers. Demo

The main purpose of research «UCAB Metrics 2018: Seeds, Plant production products and Fertilizer» is assessment of consumption structure and trends in demand for seeds, plant production products and fertilizers for 6 main crops: wheat, maize, barley, sunflower, soybean and rapeseed. This study is based on the results of the survey conducted among agricultural enterprises - the total sample of 112 respondents. In addition, the study contains the section «Choice of suppliers». The full version of the study offers answers to the following questions: How will the sown areas change under this main crops? What types of seeds/plant production products prevail in the context of this crops? What factors influence the choice of agrarians? The application of which types of plant protection products will increase in the near future? What are the main reasons for choosing by suppliers? And other. Below, you are offered to download the demo study that will familiarize you with two main parts - seeds and plant production products - in the context of one crop (wheat).
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